T’was the night before Christmas, here at Track Limits. Where plans took shape quickly in a matter of minutes
Max was the first one to knock at the door, placing his championship trophy on the living room floor.
Norris was next with a smile on his face, bearing gifts for our crew and a warm embrace.
As the music grew bolder it slowly grew louder, when Ricciardo showed up with a bowl of clam chowder
The mountain of gifts grew greater and greater as many were brought by a smooth operator.
Carlos and Charles looked dapper in suits, scarlet red coats and shiny black boots.
Behind the bar near the kitchen, was a jolly Zak Brown, serving drinks to Toto, who was smashing them down.
Guenther and Checo, joined in the fun, as did the Lewis and Nando, one by one.
Suddenly silenced by the doorbell chime, unexpectedly Kimi arrived…it was now party time!
It was smiles all around, even Stroll cracked a grin. It was finally time for the fun to begin.
Mario Isola brought food to fill every belly, singing carols by the tree were Christian and Geri
A wonderful time was had by all, before Lando broke Max’s trophy and started a brawl.
A food fight for the ages had suddenly started, while Albon and the Hulk, quickly departed.
Cookies flung from table at Russell’s face who skillfully dodged them with style and grace.
Potatoes and chicken rained down on the room, while a bare-assed Valtteri swung at them with an old straw broom
The messy ordeal, finally concluded, when they were completely exhausted and happily polluted.
They laughed until midnight when the lights suddenly dimmed. Then In walked a man with a beard, poorly trimmed.
Rosie red cheeks and a stunned look on his face, as he stood in disbelief at the state of the place.
Meatballs trimmed the tree and there was cake on the rug, and somehow there was eggnog in Vowles’ beer mug
He burst out into laughter then all others joined in, while Yuki freed his head which was stuck in the bin
With a smile and wink he disappeared out of sight as he wished us all a Merry Christmas and wonderful night.